
I’m Sam Norman, a registered nurse, ayurvedic health counselor, and earth medicine specialist. I’m here to help you reclaim your physical, mental, and spiritual health by reacquainting you  to the healer within.


I'm Sam and I’m here to help increase your immune strength, decrease your stress and inflammation, and activate the internal guidance system of healing you have within and all around you.

Sam Norman’s authenticity really shines through because of her enthusiasm and passion for sharing the science of Aryuveda in modern times. She is gifted at setting the stage for deep focused internal self inquiry.


Mauri Parks

BYOH Community Member

Find Your Path



5 Sense Cleanse


Jump start your healing by tending to all of your senses with awareness and wisdom every spring and fall.

Join us April 2025


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Become Your Own Healer


Connect to your inner healer and reclaim your mental and physical health by refining your daily habits to create more ease and harmony in your life.


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Remember Your Sovereign Self


Humanity is in a dawn of a great awakening to the realization that we are so much more than flesh and a mind. Explore your relationship with yourself and the planet. Adventure. Earth Medicine. Empowerment. 

February 2025




BYOH Guild Meetings


A pay what you can monthly gathering or wellness and wisdom from ayuveda and various indigenous earth medicine traditions. Click the button below to register for this month's meeting.

Next Guild Meeting 11/24/24

"Finding Balance in Vata Season"


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Tried Everything? Ready to give up?  We've been there...


Before You Give Up on finding healing listen to what Crystal has to say about the Become Your Own Healer community.
"Initially, I did not have faith that anything else I tried would help me. I thought I had tried it all. I had it in my mind that for the rest of my days I would have to live with my physical symptoms, chronic health issues and, even the abusive relationship I was in.  I felt very defeated.
I started BYOH with the intention to just start incorporating the 10 habits to the best of my ability.  Slowly, but surely, having these grounding habits gave me something to come to on a daily basis, even when my world seemed completely turned upside down.
Committing and prioritizing my time to work on my health and the course allowed me to focus on healing myself and putting my needs first.  Once I felt like I was incorporating a lot of the habits consistently, I was able to go deeper and even have a regular meditation practice now.
I discovered a lot about my eating habits (even though I thought I ate pretty healthy).  I learned that I did not need to eat as much as I was eating and the way I ate (not paying attention to the seasons and the type of environment my meals were in) was not conducive to an efficient digestive process.
Since joining Become Your Own Healer my chronic physical symptoms (of 7 years) have cleared up for more than a year, I've lost 10lbs, and that 10 year abusive relationship is LONG GONE thanks to my healing work and the support I received from  Sam and the  BYOH community."

Contact Sam

This is not a big cooperate coaching program. This is a real human that is dedicated to assisting others who are awakening to the power of the human body to heal ITSELF.

There are no silly questions and if you are new to ayurveda or self healing you might have a ton of questions... so hit the button below and send me a message to get us connected.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Sam